Can your employees help protect your small business?
Relying on technology alone for cyber security misses out on one of your greatest assets – your employees.
Watch this animation to find out how appointing an in-house cyber security champion can improve your business resilience.
Researcher Profile
Karen Renaud is a Scottish computing Scientist at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, working on all aspects of Human-Centred Security and Privacy. She was educated at the Universities of Pretoria, South Africa and Glasgow. Her research been funded by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineers and the Fulbright Commission. She is particularly interested in deploying behavioural science techniques to improve security behaviours, and in encouraging end-user privacy-preserving behaviours. Her research approach is multi-disciplinary, essentially learning from other, more established, fields and harnessing methods and techniques from other disciplines to understand and influence cyber security behaviours.
Jacques Ophoff is a Senior Lecturer in cybersecurity at Abertay University. His research focuses on topics ranging from technical implementations, to management, and behavioural factors. Individuals are often considered to be the weakest link in security and he has a particular interest in how to motivate secure behaviours in individuals and organisations, and understanding resistance to security recommendations.