Improving your local area: How can we work together to make Birmingham more age-friendly?
Improving Your Local Area is an innovative citizen science project undertaken by researchers at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences and Centre for Urban Wellbeing, University of Birmingham. Older adults and community stakeholders were directly engaged in a citizen science approach to identify actionable solutions to promote active and healthy ageing across the city of Birmingham.
Researcher Profile
Grace Wood is a doctoral researcher from the West Midlands, researching the interactions between urban environments and active and healthy ageing through citizen science methods. Twitter: @gracewood351
Professor Afroditi Stathi is an expert in the field of physical activity and community health with research expertise in the design and implementation of community-based, active ageing programmes. Twitter: @AfroditiStathi
Dr Jessica Pykett is a social and political geographer with research interests in governance, knowledge practices, policy innovation and political subjectivities.