Lie-Størmer Center: Imagination, exploration and collaboration
Like its namesakes Sophus Lie and Carl Størmer, The Lie–Størmer Center ( operates on the frontier between computational and pure mathematics. Building upon Norway’s already rich mathematical heritage, the center will develop future world leaders in their fields. In doing so, it will form a bridge not just between Tromsø and Bergen, but between Norway and the rest of the world.
Researcher Profile
The Lie–Størmer Center (LSC) will be a center-of-excellence led by renowned mathematicians with core research expertise in algebra, combinatorics, topology, geometry, and computational mathematics. It addresses challenging fundamental mathematical problems by bridging the research frontiers between computational and pure mathematics. Its central mission is to foster a future generation of internationally leading mathematicians in Norway, trained to identify, work on, and solve problems at the forefront of research at the interface bet ween computational and pure mathematics, capable of acquiring international research funding and qualification for senior-level positions.