A sustainable extraction process can be useful to solve the waste problem
The agri-food sector generates massive amount of bio-waste that causes the loss of market profit but and of precious environmental resources used to produce it. However, fruit and vegetable waste might turn into a valuable resource as natural and unlimited supply of biologically active compounds, with enormous economic potential as food supplements, cosmetics and plant bio-stimulants and protection products. BioRestart aims for the sustainable production of organic components deriving from the transformation and processing of industrial organic waste, using an innovative and sustainable technological solution reducing the use of toxic solvents.
Researcher Profile
bioRESTART was born from the experience gained in different fields by researchers of the University of Pavia who support the project now:
Enrico Doria is a plant biologist, expert in plant biochemistry and physiology, nutritional improvement of crops, extraction and analysis of phytochemicals and bioactive compounds from plants and microalgae, cultivation techniques of microalgae.
Daniela Buonocore is a pharmacologist who operates in the fields of pharmacognosie, biochemistry and human nutrition. The main purpose of the studies is to evaluate the role of oxidative stress in different backgrounds (disorders, aging, diseases and sports) and to evaluate how it is possible to contrast it using nutraceuticals.
Maurizia Dossena is Assistant Professor in Pharmacology and PI of the Pharmacobiochemistry Laboratory at the Dept. of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Pavia. Her scientific activity regards the fields of biochemistry and cellular toxicology with main interest areas in muscular bioenergetic of ageing and neurodegenerative disorders.
Cinzia Calvio is Assistant Professor in Genetics and PI of the Microbial Genetics Laboratory at the Dept. of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Pavia. Her main research interest has been the regulation of stationary phase phenotypes in the model organisms Bacillus subtilis. She demonstrated the genetic requirements for the production of an anionic polymer of great industrial interest, poly-γ-glutamate (γ-PGA), never described before in domestic strains of B. subtilis.