Tutor of resilience: A model for psychosocial care following adversity
The Tutor of Resilience (ToR) model, developed by the Resilience Research Unit of the Catholic University of Milan, is designed to train local and international care service providers to develop psychosocial interventions that foster resilience in children, families and communities who experienced adversity.
Researcher Profile
The Resilience Research Unit (RiRes) is a research centre within the Department of Psychology of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Italy. Over the past seven years the RiRes has designed and carried out projects of research, capacity building and interventions aimed at defining, promoting and sustaining resilience processes among children, families and communities in conditions of vulnerability. Moreover, through the dissemination of its research, scientific publications and communications, the RiRes has contributed to the development of a shared multinational knowledge on resilience-focused best practices to be adopted in hunamitarian and development cooperation and Thrid Sector organizations. Rires carries out the Univeristy “Third Mission”, promoting the dissemination of the culture and knowledge beyond academia, and, thus, contributing to the social growth and the Development of Public Health.