Why is open schooling good for girls?

Project specs




Tony Mays






Education is the key to a successful life for young girls around the world, but they face many challenges to gain the schooling they deserve. Open schooling can help to take education to the girls who need it most in more flexible and affordable ways. With a little encouragement from their families, girls across the globe can thrive.

Researcher Profile

Dr Tony Mays is Education Specialist for Open Schooling at the Commonwealth of Learning. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government in 1987 to promote the development and sharing of open learning and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies. COL’s greatest impact is in supporting efforts to provide Commonwealth citizens greater access to quality education and training through open, distance and technology-enabled learning, thereby allowing them to benefit from improved livelihoods, greater gender equity and overall economic, social and cultural development leading to sustainable development. COL is committed to promoting equitable access to quality lifelong learning for all – believing, in effect, that access to learning opportunities will lead to progress in achieving sustainable development.

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