Sci Ani celebrates Plastic Free July

Microplastics are a growing problem which the Plastic Free Foundation aims to tackle. The foundation runs a month-long annual campaign – Plastic Free July, which has been around since 2011. It encourages us all to take the small actions to reduce our own plastic use that will eventually lead to big changes – and when we feel as if we can’t do anything, reminds us that, as consumers, we have the power to choose.

Watch our favourite animations to see how some companies are leading the way in reducing plastic usage, and join in the challenge to reduce your own plastic usage this month. 

EcoFLEXY: A clean alternative to synthetic chemicals in personal care products

The Danish company, Cellugy, has developed a biocellulose material, EcoFLEXY, as a clean alternative to create fully natural personal care products. EcoFLEXY is manufactured from renewable raw materials, has a low carbon footprint, does not contain volatile solvents, is biodegradable and recyclable. Cellugy invites you to work together to create more circular products.

What can we create with our plastic waste?

Classroom of Hope aims to help both end the plastic crisis and provide education to children in Indonesia, building schools from recycled plastic blocks. Not only are these building blocks affordable and durable, the finished schools are also earthquake resistant, providing a permanent place of education to local children.

UPLIFT: Plastics H2020 project

UPLIFT is a project to improve the recycling of plastics for the food and drinks packaging industry. It aims to design new de- and repolymerisation routes to upcycle food and drink packaging plastics with better end-of-life characteristics.

Hemp: How can we achieve a Green Recovery?

The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) represents the common interests of hemp farmers, producers and traders working with hemp fibres, shives, seeds, leaves and cannabinoids. EIHA’s mission is to develop a single and safe common market of high-quality hemp products, inspired by the principle of social, environmental and economic sustainability. EIHA believes in a sustainable economic model that reconciles agriculture, industry and environment. For this reason, the association promotes the development on the EU territory of local, yet globally connected value chains, capable of delivering the multiple ecosystem services that hemp has to offer.