
A human right: International Day for Universal Access to Information 2022

What was the last thing you watched or read? Chances are, it was something free on the internet – and not just this blog! In our online age of hyperconnectivity and instant access, it’s easy to think that we all have equal opportunities to access information and knowledge. We no longer have to wait for […]

What we do at Science Animated

Communicating with wider audiences is an excellent way to inform, educate, and raise awareness of research, both within the research community itself, and with the general public. However, we know that researchers are often too busy teaching, marking, writing grant applications, and writing papers among other things to have the time to communicate their research as […]

Brush up on Plastic Free July® 2022

Plastic is pretty much everywhere. It’s even found in us! Touted as the new wonder material in the twentieth century, plastic was an affordable alternative to ivory that was adaptable for a myriad of different purposes, and quickly became universally adopted as the material of choice in most industries and products. But plastic has proved […]

Machine learning week 2022 – Las Vegas!

Have you ever thought of your laptop as smart? Perhaps only when it’s having a good day. However, (it might surprise you) machines can actually learn! Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) where computers and software applications can improve, optimise and adapt their functioning for tasks – all without the help of […]

#RevitalizeTheOcean: World Oceans Day 2022

Help #RevitalizeTheOcean and celebrate this year’s World Oceans Day. Organised by the United Nations, the 8th of June is awash with all-things oceanic. The blue planet is called blue for a reason – 70% lies beneath the waves of the oceans, which produce 50–80% of the oxygen we breathe and contain over 50% of all […]

Mental Health Week 2022

The 10th–15th of May is Mental Health Awareness Week, an event which focuses on improving people’s mental wellbeing across the UK. This year’s theme is ‘loneliness’, something that has affected many of us at some point during our lives, and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mental Health Foundation have found that an increasing number […]

Most popular animations published in 2021

Here at Science Animated, we work on a huge range of projects throughout the year, collaborating with everyone from individual researchers to NGOs to create engaging animations designed especially to explain complex ideas. Of all the animations we published in 2021, the following ten have been our most popular. Topics range from cell therapy, anaemia, […]

Science Animated x COP26

The main causes of climate change are deeply rooted in our use of fossil fuels; the impacts of climate change—water scarcity, sea level rise, extreme weather, biodiversity loss—are severe and global in scale. This means that the climate crisis is not only an environmental challenge, but a social, political, and economic challenge as well. A […]